New Moon in Libra
Johfra Bosschart, Libra
The Divine Feminine has just had a churn through the wringer. Venus is in retrograde and we’ve entered the White Knight’s Moon, aka Libra New Moon. Venus rules Libra. Libra represents love, balance, harmony, justice, and idealism. With her ruling planet in early retrograde, all that Libra represents pauses.
Our first tarot card in the Libra New Moon spread is the Four of Cups. Take a break from social media, NPR, and your coworkers. Check in with yourself about what we collectively experienced and what you independently experienced. Did anything about the past few weeks drive you into an action that had previously been dormant or unexpressed? Did you say or do anything with so much passion that others wondered whether you wore medieval chainmail under your clothes? If so, take a beat to breathe, regroup, and evaluate the inner truth that drives your daily purpose. It’s likely that an opportunity has presented itself that you feel either unprepared to handle or that is not the right fit for you at the moment. That’s OK. The most important relationship you have is with yourself. Check in with yourself to ensure balance, love, and honor.
At the Aries Full Moon last month, the battle was in full swing. Today’s Five of Swords card indicates that battle is now over. Are you looking at the wreckage and wondering how to restore order? Or are you too busy showing off your wounds to notice the rush of adrenaline that’s got you ready for another round needs redirection? You undoubtedly created new enemies during your impassioned blood thirst. Whether or not you are wholly victorious, you have suffered great loses as has anyone with whom you engaged in battle. Idealistic Libra expects the prize to feel as good as the fight. If the means and ends don’t match up, try to understand that not every battle needs to be fought. How and when to pick a battle is a wise woman’s power. You won’t always get your way. You won’t always be right. Regardless, you have to live or work with people. Why not make it harmonious?
In the Hall of Two Truths, Anubis weighed the heart of a person against the feather of Ma’at, which was depicted as an ostrich feather. A heart judged to be impure was devoured by Ammit. The person undergoing judgement was not allowed to continue their voyage towards Osiris and immortality.
You know who loves harmony? Children. Right now your inner child wants to run, shake, bounce, skip, climb, and kick away all the heaviness of the past few weeks. The Sun (reversed) tarot card indicates a loss of joy in your life. Clouds have covered up the glow you felt mid-battle. Give yourself permission to find a ray of sunshine and soak it up like Baset. The greyness is only temporary. What allows you to feel carefree? Will you dance in the mirror? Belt out a song in your car? Before you strain your vocal cords or endure a TRI (twerk-related injury), ask someone for a reality check. A dose of realism helps Libra to regain balance.
So, ‘member how you may or may not have legitimately won that battle and others were kinda salty? Yeah… that person is here in the Page of Wands (reversed). The main problem is that fragile egos and insecurities often produce unexpected and over-the-top defenses. Libra is the sign of the scales, the sign of right and wrong. When Libra’s ruler is retrograde, watch out. The call to cooperate is met with aggression and immaturity. It’s the little brother who says, “Hey you hit me harder than I hit you!” and attempts to hit back to even things out. But the returned hit feels harder than the original impact and the hits just keep on coming with no one able to determine the pain of the other. Each hit drives the other further away. Now is the moment to pick your battles. Choose to negotiate. Choose to compromise.
What good is that? I’ll tell you what! A break-through. You took the time to look within. You acknowledged that you fought to the death and that everyone lost. You stared up at the clouds and tried to find a silver lining. You absorbed the sneak attack and recognized the motivation behind the motives. Now, finally, you arrive at a moment of clarity. The Ace of Swords helps you to forge a new path through the wreckage. If you are confused about the path to take, give it a day or two. With the Ace of Swords, you’ll better understand how to fight for everyone to win. Wield your power responsibly.