Hocus Focus! The Magic of Waist Beads

"So if I wear these waist beads, magical things will happen. Right?"

"So if I wear these waist beads, magical things will happen. Right?"

Someone asked me this question recently and my answer was, "Well, yes and absolutely not." Essensuals by Khemura waist beads beautify passive wearers, but they aren't themselves enchanted! To manifest your intentions, YOU must cast the right spell. Here's our charm, deconstructed:


If you're curious about what this means, stare into our crystal ball...

There are as many ideas as there are stars. Be open to receive messages from the Universe. Perhaps there is an idea that you just can't shake, something you feel compelled to explore.

You, Inspired
Instead of dismissing the idea, let it fill you up! The Universe calls on each of us for specific purposes.

Successful outcomes begin with solid preparation. You are a Creator. Bring life to your ideas by writing them down on a piece of paper to clearly see and clarify your thoughts. Once you're clear about the final result, your intentions will provide the recipe.

We recommend this site to help you create powerful intentions. Associate your intentions with a talisman, something that will remind you to focus on your goals and motivate you to achieve them. For example, we read or recall our intentions while putting on and taking off our gemstone waist beads every day. When you believe in magic, you create magic.

Don't just Frankenstein your intentions and let them run wild through the countryside terrorizing local villagers. Align your actions to fit your intentions. If you're talking the talk and not walking the walk, you will feel resistance or frustration. (Read: your intentions will not manifest.)

However when your thoughts and actions align, you will notice a shift in the people and events within your environment. Sometimes it can be quite confusing or alarming when things start to go your way! Learn to accept that this is your new normal as a Master Manifestor and soon manifesting intentions will feel like the perfect wizardry.

The cycle begins again as you receive inspiration and motivation from the results of your magical intentions!


Remember we're here whenever you have questions, concerns, or comments. We will personally help you develop authentic intentions that get results.

Happy Hexing!


Waist Beads: A History


How much time does it take to manifest intentions?